The Recipients of the Code of Conduct must comply with the following criteria:
2.1 Relations with employees and/or operators 2.1.1. Staff selectionThe assessment of the employees to be hired is based on the correspondence of the candidate profiles with the company expectations and requirements, offering equal opportunities to everybody.
The demanded information is strictly connected to the control of the qualification in the professional and psychological aptitude profile, at the private and candidate opinion level as well.
2.1.2. Setting of the employment relationshipThe staff is employed with a regular employment contract.
When establishing an employment relationship, each employee receives accurate information on:
- features of the function and the role to be carried out;
- information on regulations in force and salary, according to the national sector labour contract;
- rules and procedures to enforce as to avoid any possible risks for the employee security, safety and health on the workplace;
- content of the Code of Conduct.
This information is presented to the employee and/or collaborator in such a way that the same has an effective understanding of it.
2.1.3. Privacy policyThe privacy of the employees and/or operators is protected by adopting standards that specify the information that the company requires from the employee and/or collaborator and the relative treatment and storage methods.
Any inquiry into the ideas, preferences, personal tastes and, in general, the private life of employees and/or collaborators is excluded. It is also forbidden, without prejudice to the hypotheses provided for by law, to communicate and/or disclose the personal data of employees and/or collaborators without the prior consent of the interested parties.
2.1.4. Integrity and protection of the personLANZA is committed to protecting the moral integrity of employees and/or collaborators by guaranteeing the right to working conditions that respect the dignity of the person. For this reason, it protects workers from acts of physical and/or psychological violence and counteracts any discriminatory or harmful attitude or behavior of the person and his beliefs.
Sexual harassment is not allowed and behaviors or speech that may disturb the sensitivity of the person must be avoided.
2.1.5. Personnel managementLANZA avoids any form of discrimination against its employees and/or collaborators.
Within the personnel management and development processes, as well as during the selection phase, the decisions taken are based on the correspondence between expected profiles and profiles owned by the collaborators (for example in the case of promotion or transfer) and/or on merit considerations (for example, allocation of incentives based on the results achieved).
The access to the different offices and activities is also based on competences and capacities.
The evaluation of employees and/or collaborators is wide, involving the managers and, as far as possible, the subjects who have entered into a relationship with the evaluated. Each manager is required to enhance the working time of employees and/or collaborators by requiring performance consistent with the exercise of their duties and with the work organization plans.
LANZA is committed to involving employees and/or collaborators in the work, also providing moments of participation in discussions and functional decisions to achieve the company goals.
2.1.6. Safety and healthLANZA is committed to disseminating and consolidating, also with preventive actions, a culture of safety for workers, developing risk awareness and promoting responsible behaviour on the part of all employees and/or collaborators.
LANZA aims at protecting its human, patrimonial and financial resources, seeking the necessary synergies not only within the Companies, but also with the suppliers, companies and customers involved in its activity.
2.1.7. Duties of employees and/or operatorsThe employee and/or operator must act fairly in order to comply with the obligations assumed with the employment contract and the provisions of the Code of Conduct by ensuring the required performance and must also know and implement the provisions of company policies on information security to ensure its integrity, confidentiality and availability.
LANZA employees and/or operators undertake to keep confidential the sensitive information concerning LANZA, in any way acquired, in written or oral form.
LANZA employees and/or operators are required to give complete, transparent, understandable and accurate information in such a way that, in setting up relations with the company, the Interlocutors are able to make autonomous decisions and aware of the interests involved, of the alternatives and of the relevant consequences. All those who represent LANZA are required, in particular, to inspire their behavior towards customers, potential customers, suppliers or business partners with principles of maximum transparency and ethics.
All LANZA employees and/or operators are required to avoid situations in which conflicts of interest may arise and to refrain from taking personal advantage of business opportunities of which they have become aware in the course of carrying out their duties.
Each employee and/or operator is required to work diligently to protect company assets through responsible behavior and in line with the operating procedures prepared to regulate their use.
In particular, each employee and/or operator must avoid improper use of company assets that may cause damage or reduction in efficiency, or in any case contrary to the interest of LANZA.
As far as IT applications are concerned, each employee and/or operator is required to:
- scrupulously adopt the provisions of company security policies, in order not to compromise the functionality and protection of computer systems;
- not to send abusive emails, not to use low-level language, not to express inappropriate comments that may cause offense to the person and/or damage to the company image;
- not to browse websites with unseemly and offensive content.
2.2 Relations with shareholders 2.2.1. Transparency towards the marketLANZA pursues its mission by ensuring the full transparency of the choices made; therefore, it undertakes to adopt procedures aimed at ensuring the correctness and veracity of social communications (budgets, periodic reports, information sheets, etc.). All LANZA financial communication is characterized not only by the mere respect of the regulatory provisions, but also by the understandable language, completeness, timeliness and informative symmetry towards all the common shareholders.
2.2.2. Transparency towards shareholdersLANZA provides for conditions so that the participation of members in the decisions within their competence is aware.
2.2.3. Duties of the shareholders LANZA must comply with the Code of Conduct and comply with all the principles contained therein, ensuring assiduous and informed participation in meetings and activities of the bodies.
2.3 Relations with third parties 2.3.1. Information processing Third parties information is treated by LANZA in full respect of the confidentiality and privacy of the interested parties. To this end, specific information protection policies and procedures are applied and constantly updated. More precisely, LANZA:
- defines an organisation for the processing of information that provides for the correct separation of roles and responsibilities;
- classify the information by increasing criticality levels, and take appropriate countermeasures at each stage of processing;
- submits third parties involved in the processing of information to the signing of confidentiality agreements.
2.3.2. Gifts, courtesies and benefitsIt is not allowed to offer or accept any form of gift that can even be interpreted as exceeding normal commercial or courtesy practices or, in any case, aimed at influencing the normal course of commercial negotiations or obtaining favourable treatment in the conduct of any activity connected to LANZA. Gifts and courtesies are therefore only allowed if of modest value or in any case such as not to compromise the integrity or reputation of LANZA.
It should be noted that gift means any type of benefit (benefits on the services offered, promise of a job offer, etc.).
2.3.3. Contracts and communications to customersThe contracts with LANZA customers and generally all communications to them must be:
- clear and simple, formulated with a language as close as possible to the current one;
- comply with current regulations, without resorting to elusive or incorrect practices;
- complete, so as not to neglect any relevant element for the purposes of the customer's decision.
2.3.4. Behaviour towards customers LANZA behaviour towards customers is based on availability, respect and courtesy and, under the same technical and commercial conditions, on impartiality of treatment, with a view to a collaborative and highly professional relationship. In addition, LANZA is committed to limiting the obligations required of its customers and to adopting simplified, secure and, whenever possible, computerized and free payment procedures.
2.3.5. Selection of suppliersThe purchasing processes are based on the search for the maximum competitive advantage for LANZA and the granting, with the same qualitative technical requirements, of equal opportunities for each supplier; they are also based on pre-contractual and contractual behaviours kept in view of an indispensable and mutual loyalty, transparency and collaboration.
In particular, in choosing between competing suppliers, LANZA will evaluate the decision elements in an impartial manner, with the aim of providing its customers with the best solution and skills in both qualitative and economic terms.
2.3.6. Use of other companies' software products The Italian legislation protects the software with specific laws, in line with technological evolution and with the directives of the European Union, which provide for criminal and administrative sanctions for those who violate these laws.
More precisely, the use of copies and illegal duplication of software, constitutes a crime that would have serious consequences for LANZA and for the Interlocutors, not least in terms of the company's image.
In addition, the current law provides for incisive actions and administrative-pecuniary sanctions for those who buy non-original software.
In these terms and on the basis of the regulations in force, LANZA undertakes to always use/provide original software products, or in authorized copy, in particular if they are third-party products, necessary for the completion of a specific solution.
These products must be accompanied by a license.